Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maynard is 1 lb. 6 oz. (0.62369 kg)

Boots is 1 lb. 3.5 oz. (0.5528157 kg)

I forgot to weigh them on Saturday.

Today, for the 1st time, they started climbing the
scratching post.

In this picture you can see the hairbands we use as collars to tell them apart. The red band is Maynard. Green for Boots. Maynard exhibits superiority by climbing to the top of the post and glaring down at Boots.

So far, they fight constantly but Boots won't back down. Sometimes they bite too hard and the other cries but it seems to be equal in making the other complain.

Maynard has a slight edge but as they get bigger it becomes less compared to total weight.