Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday October 5th, 2013

From a Craigslist ad two kittens were brought home. Both were from the same litter and about eight weeks old. One weighed 10.5 ounces (0.29767kg) and the other 12.7 ounces (0.3600389kg). Very small kittens just weaned.

One Week Later...
Both kittens have gained three ounces. Named Maynard and Boots, Maynard is now 1 lb. 0.5 ounces (0.476272kg) and Boots is 13.5 ounces (0.3827186kg).

I created a scratching post by wrapping rope around a PVC pipe and slipping it over a stand for an electric fan. So far the kittens don't like it. The rope is large marine hemp about a half inch in diameter. It sat for years in a garage then another five years on my back porch. It probably smells of motor oil.

We've purchased a small toy mouse that is made from a cloth pouch and includes a small amount of catnip that can be put inside the mouse. A tiny bit of catnip was sprinkled over the post. So far, only mild curiosity from the kittens at the base of the post. No climbing, yet.

The heavier kitten is taking advantage of its weight and dominates the other. Boots, the smaller kitten, is fighting back and not exhibiting any acknowledgement of Maynard's dominance. He does yell when bitten too hard.